
這首由「The Rembrandts」創作的歌曲正是Friends的主題曲

這首歌緣起於由於《六人行》製片人Kevin Bright是The Rembrandts的歌迷,因此便邀請他們為影集演唱主題曲,The Rembrandts在收到《六人行》製片人Kevin Bright的邀請之後,僅花三天時間就完成了這首單曲的錄製工作。原本這首單曲並沒有要被獨立發行,但隨著《六人行》成為美國收視率最高的影集後,觀眾渴望聽到完全版的呼聲如雪片飛到電台,結果讓這首歌在美國爆紅,登上電台播放榜冠軍,唱片公司在最後階段匆忙決定把I'll Be There For You加收到95年三月發行的新專輯「L.P.」裡面,連新專輯第一版的印刷都還沒來的及把曲名放進去。也由於當時只有「L.P.」這張專輯收錄了I'll Be There For You,讓許多《六人行》劇迷光為了它去買專輯,連帶使「L.P.」銷量迅速突破白金。不過當時唱片公司為了賣專輯,並沒有發行單曲,直到播放熱潮減退,The Rembrandts推出下一首主打「A House Is Not A Home」時才以雙單曲的形式於同年9月發行。

其實不少樂評認為「L.P.」整張專輯都很舒服動聽、旋律輕快簡單很容易琅琅上口,全部十五首歌曲都相當適合在派對上連續播放。只不過每次聽完前十四首歌後最期待的還是那首I'll Be There For You的出現,或許這也是The Rembrandts永遠無法脫離一曲樂團宿命的原因之一吧。來看看這首歌的MV吧,順便回味一下「Friends」演員十年前的樣子!

So no one told you life was going to be this way.
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's DOA.
你的工作是個笑話, 你破產了, 你的感情生活宣告不治
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
但是我會在你身邊, 當大雨開始降臨時
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
我會在你身邊, 就像以前一樣
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
我會在你身邊, 因為你也曾在我身邊...

You're still in bed at ten, the work began at eight.
10點了, 你還在床上, 但是上課時間是8點開始
You've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great.
你燒焦了你的早餐, 很好!! 事情就是這麼的"美妙"!!
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
但是我會在你身邊, 當大雨開始降臨時
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
我會在你身邊, 就像以前一樣
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
我會在你身邊, 因為你也曾在我身邊...

No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me.
沒有人了解我, 沒有人可以看到我
Seems like you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me.
看來, 你是唯一一個了解我是什麼樣子的人
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with,
你是那個每天可以一起面對日子的人, 可以一起經歷一切的人
Someone I'll always laugh with, even at my worst, I'm best with you.
那個我每天可以一起笑, 就算在我最糟時...我還是跟你最好

It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
但是我會在你身邊, 當大雨開始降臨時
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
我會在你身邊, 就像以前一樣
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
我會在你身邊, 因為你也曾在我身邊...

資料來源:Friends - I'll Be There For You

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